Book design for SF Mazhar’s ‘Thicker Than Water’.
We’ve just taken receipt of the latest Safina Mazhar book, Thicker Than Water.
Safina Mazhar is the author of the Power of Four series. The first book in the series, Run To Earth, is her debut novel. She lives in Glasgow with her husband and three children.
Safina has been writing about Mages fighting Demons since 2012. Her vivid battle scenes, nail-biting cliffhanger endings, and plot twists are her writing trademarks.
Thicker Than Water is the third book cover we’ve designed for her and we get a real sense of satisfaction when we see the three covers sitting side by side!
This book design follows the style of the first two books in the series. Each cover features ghostly and menacing-looking green eyes. The lower half of each book cover features something different. With Thicker Than Water, we used our Photoshop skills to create a composite picture of a drop of blood hitting a pool of blood and causing a ripple on the surface. It’s a dark and menacing looking image that really captures the mood of the book. It also sits nicely alongside the other books in the series. We are really happy with how the final printed book cover looks.
We’ve had another lovely mention on the ‘Acknowledgements’ page: “A big, big thank you to Gerard Donnelly of Contribute for designing the gorgeous cover, and for putting up with my constant requests to ‘tweak’ some aspect of it. You truly are the best.”
Thicker Than Water is available in paperback or to download now. To buy your copy, or to catch up on this excellent series so far, please visit here.
If you are writing a book and would like our creative input when it comes to designing the book cover, just get in touch with our team. Either call us on 0141 241 6354 or use the form on our Contact page to send us a message.