As we all battled with a new way of working this year, I decided to make some changes. With business premises initially closing and then sporadically opening throughout the year, I wanted a place that could give me a studio space that was separate from my home environment.
I also wanted somewhere I could use if a client wanted to meet up, socially distant of course, that wasn’t inside my home. I took the decision to build a garden office. It’s something I have been looking into for a few years but I have always seen it as an extravagance that I could do without. That changed this year. With everyone being told to work from home, I decided now was the time to do it. That ‘extravagance’ had become a business need.
Studio Space
I’ve been working in my new studio space for the past few months and I must admit, I’m absolutely loving it. As well as being fully insulated, with power and wifi connection, it also gives me the perfect vantage point to look over my garden… yet another thing that became a pet project throughout lockdown. I have also set up a patio area in case a client needs to see me in person, urgently. Unfortunately, the good old Scottish weather means they will need to wear a jacket with a hood… some things are outwith my control!
Same great service
This year has been an extremely busy one for Contribute. We’ve been working on a number of projects for a few of our long-standing clients and we’ve managed to pick up a few new clients along the way. Whilst 2020 has been a challenging time for many businesses, we’ve made adaptations that have ensured our clients continue to receive the same great service that they have always received from us. Fingers crossed that 2021 sees a return to some form of normality.
A massive thank you to TDW Joinery for their amazing work on my garden office.
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